JObfuscator — Obfuscation for Java Source Code

Obfuscate your Java source code & algorithms to protect it against reverse engineering analysis, cracking and decompilation. JObfuscator has been used 21663 times so far!

Java source code

Obfuscated Java code

Global obfuscation options. When disabled will discard any @Obfuscate annotation.

while (JOWCN_FGIWJIGTWJ_JSDAO != 1421874931) {
    case 797943348:
      JOWCN_FGIWJIGTWJ_JSDAO += 623931583;
    case 1148643996:
      JOWCN_FGIWJIGTWJ_JSDAO -= 911757835;
    case 236886161:
      JOWCN_FGIWJIGTWJ_JSDAO -= -561057187;

Read about code execution flow.

int myNum = 5;
float myFloatNum = 5.99f;
char myLetter = 'D';
boolean myBool = true;
String myText = "Java Obfuscator";
int ap9axcpArl_nyapT__QpnQOl_ = 5;
float var_3897 = 5.99f;
char aAqktfgaaaqRjhiouqlSwoqgob = 'D';
boolean nVdbxytrOhipcleakh = true;
String MUQJO_OGIEHC = "Java Obfuscator";

All references to the renamed variables are automatically fixed.

public int calc(double numArray[]) {...}
public int SqcFsxe(double[] numArray) {...}

All references are automatically fixed. main() entrypoint name remains intact. Methods annotated with @Override keyword are not renamed.

public static int methodNum1(int param)

public static int methodNum2(int param)

public static int methodNum3(int param)
public static int methodNum2(int param)

public static int methodNum3(int param)

public static int methodNum1(int param)

The order of Java methods in a source file is not important.

public static int method(int param) {
  int a = 1;
  int b = a + 2;
  int c = 0;
  if (b > 3) return c;

  return 4;
public static int method(int param) {
  int a = (int) (681.57415 - Math.cbrt(315229127.95597));
  int b = a + (int) (2.76739 - Math.acos(0.71973));
  int c = (int) (-1.20690 + Math.tan(0.87887));
  if (b > (int) (-1.85887 + Math.log10(72255.55488)))
    return c;
  return (int) Math.min(6525.74776, 4.00000);

Over 15 floating point math functions used from the java.lang.Math.* class.

System.out.println("Java Obfuscator Online");
String var_127 = "";
int[] var_1774 = { 0xFB5F, 0xF9EF, 0xF89F, 0xF9EF,
                   0xFDFF, 0xFB0F, 0xF9DF, 0xF99F,
                   0xF8AF, 0xF8CF, 0xF9CF, 0xF9EF,
                   0xF8BF, 0xF90F, 0xF8DF, 0xFDFF,
                   0xFB0F, 0xF91F, 0xF93F, 0xF96F,
                   0xF91F, 0xF9AF };
for (int hGrz = 0, x = 0; hGrz < 22; hGrz++) {
  x = var_1774[hGrz];
  x ^= 0xFFFF;
  x = ((x << 12) | ((x & 0xFFFF) >> 4)) & 0xFFFF;
  var_127 += (char) (x & 0xFFFF);


The polymorphic string encryption engine is taken from our StringEncrypt solution.

public static int method(int param) {
  int a = 1;
  int b = a + 2;
  int c = 0;
  if (b > 3) return c;

  return 4;
public static int method(int param) {
  int[] IFNMDK = { 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 };
  int a = IFNMDK[4];
  int b = a + IFNMDK[2];
  int c = IFNMDK[0];
  if (b > IFNMDK[1])
    return c;
  return IFNMDK[3];

It makes the analysis harder because it requires an indexed table lookup for every numeric value. As an extra obfuscation, the generated arrays are randomly declared as double arrays e.g. double[] IFNMDK = { 0.49128, 3.33891, 2.00013, 4.32255, 1.99981 };

public static double method(double param) {
  double a = 1.1;
  double b = a + 2.2;
  double c = 0.0;
  if (b > 3.3) return c;

  return 4.4;
public static double method(double param) {
  double[] xnn_dji_34 = { 0.0, 3.3, 2.2, 4.4, 1.1 };
  double a = xnn_dji_34[4];
  double b = a + xnn_dji_34[2];
  double c = xnn_dji_34[0];
  if (b > xnn_dji_34[1])
    return c;
  return xnn_dji_34[3];

It makes the analysis harder because it requires an indexed table lookup for every numeric value.

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